quarta-feira, 25 de junho de 2008

Java & Maemo

Well, after almost 3 year without touch Java code, here I'm back. I´m developing a p2p prototype application for maemo, and I want to use a Distributed Coordinate System to know how distribute the nodes in a Video on-Demand system. So, I decided to use the Vivaldi protocol, and hey! I found a implementation of it! Good! But, the implementation was in Java, and the Maemo platform do not have native support for it.

But, do not loose the hope, there is out there a JDK implementantion for maemo devices: Jalimo [https://wiki.evolvis.org/jalimo/index.php/Jalimo].

My experience:

Jalimo it is easy to install, just go [https://wiki.evolvis.org/jalimo/index.php/Maemo] and click in the famous Install button. Well, good! But, as almost all JDK free implementation, Jalimo doesn´t have all Java packages, and for my lucky, the vivaldi implementation (Pyxida) uses one of it.

Now starts my dilema. Port one of this packages into Jalimo, and contribute to it, or, remove this dependence from my application. Well, as a engineer, I started doing the hard task: try to add the package to Jalimo, btw, the package is (sun.net.dns). After loosing some time (a few hours), looking for the package in the Java open source code, and analysing how independent it is, I decided: "Hey, I dont have that much of time to loose, and I dont like Java that much!". So, lets go to the second option: change the pyxida code. And it wasnt that hard. Just had to say to pyxida: "Instead of look for DNS server in the network, just look into this text file". And worked (well, at least for my prototype).

sexta-feira, 20 de junho de 2008

First blog, nothing to say (yet)!